Divya Bharti has been such an actress in the industry, who earned a lot of names in Bollywood in a very short time. Divya Bharti had made millions of people crazy about her beauty in a very short time. Today is the birth anniversary of Divya Bharti. Had Divya been among us today, she would have celebrated her 48th birthday. But alas, at a young age, he had put everyone in the shadows by saying goodbye to the world. After Divya’s sudden death, from Sridevi to Raveena Tandon, she got a chance to work on many of her projects.
Divya Bharti may have left the world, but even today that innocent face of the actress remains in people’s minds like a beautiful memory. Divya Bharti started her career on the big screen in the year 1990 with the South film Neela Penny. In this short career of a few years, Divya Bharti worked in more than 20 films. Meanwhile, in the year 1992, she gave Bollywood many hits one after the other, including superhit films like Dil Ka Kya Kasoor, Shola Aur Shabnam, Deewana, and Dil Aashna Hai.
During this, Divya Bharti’s career started touching heights. Then the actress married film producer Sajid Nadiadwala at the age of 19. During an interview, when she was told that her face is very similar to Sridevi, she was very happy. Then suddenly one day the news came that Divya Bharti was no more among us. This news had put everyone in the shadows, some people were finding it difficult to believe that Divya Bharti has said goodbye to the world. At the time when Divya Bharti died, the actress was associated with many projects.
Sridevi was also going to be seen in the lead role in the film Mohra and Ladla, but after Divya Bharti’s departure, Divya Bharti’s character in Laadla was replaced by Sridevi, while in Mohra, Divya’s character was replaced by Raveena Tandon. Both the films proved to be super hit at the box office.