Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has surprised fans by sharing her glamorous pictures on Insta. Alia Bhatt has shared her stunning pictures saying goodbye to Berlin. In this, she was seen giving killer poses in the bathtub. Alia is wearing a short white dress. The actress has completed this outfit with a white blazer. The stunning pose that Alia has given while lying in the bathtub, her swag is worth seeing.
Alia has kept her look simple with hair buns, zero accessories, and minimal makeup. Anyone can lose their heart on the beauty of Alia in the pictures. In one of the photos, Alia was seen posing on the slab of the washroom. Sharing these pictures, Alia wrote – Bye-bye Berlin. Who would have thought that Alia would say goodbye to Berlin in such a glamorous way? These pictures of the actress are going viral. Celebs are complement Alia’s photos.
Anushka Sharma wrote Stunning, Manish Malhotra has created heart emoji. Jhanvi Kapoor wrote – Excuse me please. Huma Qureshi called Alia gorgeous and Ananya Pandey obsessed. By the way, this look of Alia is appreciated. Alia Bhatt went to Berlin to attend the premiere of her upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi. There the actress participated in the Berlin Film Festival. Sanjay Leela Bhansali was also present with Alia. Alia did not forget to share beautiful pictures of this Berlin trip.
It has to be said that Alia Bhatt set the fashion standard in Berlin. The Bollywood queen created a ruckus in Berlin with her all-white look. These pictures of Alia were well-liked. Alia’s fashion was on point in Berlin. Alia didn’t forget to do the signature Namaste pose from her film Gangubai Kathiawadi in Berlin. Alia repeated the Gangubai pose at the film’s premiere night. Here Alia was looking good in a white sequin sari. Alia’s film Gangubai Kathiawadi is releasing in theaters on February 25.