Alia Bhatt on #BycottAliaBhatt trending and her upcoming film.

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Alia Bhatt opens up about her upcoming film “Darling” and the trend of #BoycottAliaBhatt. Here is what she said.

Alia Bhatt’s upcoming film Darling releases on point when #BoycottAliaBhatt and #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha are trending. During this people are also trying to make boycott Alia Bhatt and her forthcoming film.

Alia said,” Seeing our labour of love, Darlings being received so well by audiences across the world, is truly heart-warming. As a filmmaker, it’s great to see that Darlings has a platform to be watched and loved by viewers. Around the world with the click of a button and to be trending globally. On Netflix just in the opening week feels surreal! It’s truly a wonderful and fulfilling feeling to see this story resonate with viewers globally. And I can’t wait to see how more people receive it in the coming days!”.

Alia Bhatt

Alia has continued,” Darlings has always been a unique and special film for me. But also in a bigger way-in bringing these different stories to the audience and I’m glad Netflix is where it lives. I am overjoyed by the overwhelmingly. Good response to my debut production and I can’t wait to watch the marvels this movie will continue to perform. It’s incredible to see that the film has a global audience with Netflix. And with it trending in the top 10 in 16 countries across the globe just in the opening week is incredible!”.

Alia Bhatt has cleared that her upcoming movie has great content with the great hard work of so many people. Alia Bhatt has recently married Ranbir Kapoor and they have recently shared their news of pregnancy.

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