The fans of Rupali Ganguly, who has gained special recognition for her excellent performance on the small screen, are present across the country today. Especially Rupali is known as ‘Anupama’ in every household. The audience is so immersed in her character that people like to see him in this avatar. However, Rupali is quite glamorous in real life. In such a situation, now her different style has been seen again.
Rupali showed a sizzling look
Rupali is also very active on social media to stay connected with her fans. In such a situation, she often shares many video clips related to her show ‘Anupama’ with the fans.
But this time she has given a glimpse of her latest photoshoot, in which Rupali is looking very glamorous. Here she is seen in a yellow color outfit.
Rupali is looking very glamorous
Rupali has done a lot of light makeup to complete her look and has left her hair open. Here she is posing while looking at the camera. Rupali is looking very glamorous in this look. Fans have also fallen on this avatar of him. Thousands of likes have come on this photo of her so far. Along with the fans, celebrities have also praised him a lot.
‘Anupama’ is being liked
Significantly, Rupali is being liked a lot in the avatar of ‘Anupama’. These days it is being shown in the show that Rupali has agreed to marry Anuj. Along with this, ‘Anupama’ daughter-in-law Kinjal is also being shown pregnant, which means ‘Anupama’ is soon going to be a grandmother.