Actress Bhumi Pednekar has proved with her tremendous acting that she can portray any kind of character very beautifully on the screen. In such a situation, his fans are present all over the world today and eagerly wait for his every film. However, for some time, apart from her films, Bhumi is also attracting everyone’s attention due to her looks. Often his new avatars are seen. Now again the latest photoshoot of the actress is going viral.
Bhumi Pednekar adds a dash of glamor to her ethnic look
Bhumi has started being very active on Instagram. Glimpses of his personal and professional life are also visible on her page. This time the actress has posted a video of her latest photoshoot, in which she is giving different poses. Bhumi has shown her ethnic style for this photoshoot. Here the actress is wearing a beautiful lehenga in off-white color with shimmer embroidery.
Bhumi Pednekar is looking very beautiful
To add a touch of hotness to this look, Bhumi has carried a deep-neck designer blouse. With this, she has worn matching earrings and bangles. The actress has complemented her look with news Mehroon lipstick, golden smokey eyes and open wavy hair style.