Karan Johar’s upcoming film ‘Rocky and Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ is all set for release. Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who is busy in promotions, is winning hearts with her killer style. Recently, the actress has shared her new photoshoot on social media.
Alia Bhatt shared the look
B-town diva Alia Bhatt is busy promoting Rocky and Rani these days. Due to the promotion, new looks of the actress are being seen every day. Meanwhile, the actress has once again wreaked havoc on the fans with new pictures. The fans of Alia’s simplicity have gone crazy. The actress is looking very beautiful in the simple look.
Alia was seen wrapped in black saree
Alia Bhatt has shared new pictures on her Instagram. The actress is wearing a black saree in the photos, as well as carrying a deep neck matching blouse. The actress has completed her look with a simple bindi and bun.