Pooja Hegde has once again come into the limelight. Soon her film Circus is going to be released in which she will be seen opposite Ranveer Singh. The trailer of the film has also been released and during this, the entire cast of the film was seen in red outfits. But Pooja Hegde in red saree left no stone unturned to wreak havoc. Such a charming style of Haseena was seen that the onlookers just kept looking at her for a moment. Pooja Hegde also flaunted her curvy figure in a plain chiffon saree.
The sexy style went viral on
Social media Many videos of the trailer launch event of the circus are going viral on social media, in one of which Pooja Hegde’s sexy look is visible. Wearing a red plain saree tied at the waist and a blouse with two straps, she blew everyone’s senses with her boldness. At the same time, fans are showering a lot of love on this look of Pooja Hegde on social media.
One user wrote – Pooja is really very beautiful. So the same user wrote – You are looking very hot. While another user wrote – Oops!
Made her debut in Bollywood from South
Pooja Hegde has worked from Pooja Hegde to Bollywood. After first earning a name in South Industry, Pooja took entry in Bollywood with Mohenjo Daro. She has also appeared with superstars like Akshay Kumar. Now she will be seen in Circus with Ranveer Singh. The trailer of the film is being liked a lot. Ranveer will be seen in a double role in this. The special thing is that Deepika Padukone is also going to be seen in the film. His glimpse has also appeared in the trailer.