Divya Khosla Kumar Wearing a super hot dress, this beauty gave a killer pose

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At the age of 34, Divya Khosla Kumar is second to none in terms of boldness. Recently, Divya went to the launch of the song ‘Designer’. At this success party, the actress went wearing such a bold and revealing dress that the onlookers kept on seeing her. After this party, Divya Khosla Kumar shared her hot pictures on social media which are going viral.

[web_stories_embed url=”https://bollywoodcelebritynews.in/web-stories/divya-khosla-kumar-wearing-a-super-hot-dress-this-beauty-gave-a-killer-pose/” title=”Divya Khosla Kumar Wearing a super hot dress, this beauty gave a killer pose” poster=”https://bollywoodcelebritynews.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-divyakhoslakumar_283236646_561450805606232_3289510657937840281_n-640×853.jpg” width=”360″ height=”600″ align=”none”]

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