Esha Gupta, known for her stunning style and hotness, has once again left fans awestruck with her latest glamorous avatar. The Bollywood actress recently shared photos on her Instagram page, where she can be seen wearing a silver heavy sequin sari paired with a full-sleeve blouse, complemented by sleek diamond jewelry. Esha’s makeup features subtle shine, nude lipstick, and smoky nude glittery eye makeup, while her hair is styled in soft curls.
Despite being 37 years old, Esha Gupta continues to maintain her fitness and looks as attractive as ever, garnering viral attention with every appearance.
In terms of work, Esha has several projects in the pipeline, including the upcoming film “File Number 323,” along with roles in “Desi Magic,” “Hera Pheri 3,” and the web series “Aashram 4.”