Harshita Gaur, known for her roles as Dimpy in the TV series “Mirzapur” and Kasturi Mishra in “Jahaanabad – Of Love and War,” is currently making waves on social media. To ring in the new year, Harshita has dropped some stunning pictures that are making it hard for anyone to leave their beds.
In these recent photos, Harshita looks absolutely gorgeous in a yellow saree, exuding a sensuous vibe. Amplifying her bold look, she has chosen not to wear a blouse, further intensifying the allure. These pictures of Harshita are breaking the internet.
Almost immediately after Harshita posted these pictures, her fans flooded them with likes and comments. Within hours, thousands of likes and comments poured in. Fans are describing her look as “hot,” sending fire and heart emojis her way. Some are reminiscing about her role as Kasturi Mishra, while others simply find her beautiful. Dressed to perfection and adorned with impeccable makeup, Harshita’s Dimpy avatar is capturing everyone’s attention.
Interestingly, Harshita Gaur initially had no aspirations of becoming an actress. While pursuing her engineering studies, she received an offer for a role in a TV series, which she declined at the time. She was determined to complete her studies before venturing into acting. Harshita kickstarted her acting career by playing the character of Sanyukta Agarwal in “Sadda Haq” and later gained immense popularity as Dimpy in the web series “Mirzapur” in 2018.
Recently, her portrayal of Kasturi Mishra in “Jahaanabad – Of Love and War” has been receiving a lot of attention. It’s being acknowledged that Harshita has recreated a scene reminiscent of “3 Idiots” by riding a yellow scooter in a lehenga, evoking nostalgia among fans.