Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor has once again spread her beauty. She recently attended the Grazia Millenial Awards 2022, where she failed all the beauties with her killer performances. Jhanvi has shared her latest pictures from this event, which are creating a stir on the internet.
Janhvi Kapoor attended the award night
Janhvi Kapoor attended the Grazia Millenial Awards 2022 last night, where she failed all the stars with her glamorous look. Janhvi Kapoor has shared some pictures of this event on her Instagram account, in which her hot look is wreaking havoc on the internet. It can be seen in the photos that Janhvi Kapoor is looking very hot in a shimmery bodycon dress. She has flaunted her perfect figure during the photo shoot.
Nude makeup and ponytail hairstyle are adding to the look of Janhvi Kapoor. He has given more than one pose in front of the camera. These pictures of Janhvi Kapoor are being liked a lot. Photos on Instagram have received more than 13 lakh likes within an hour.