Karan Johar Wrote an emotional letter for Ranveer Singh

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Recently Karan Johar posted a heartfelt note for Ranveer Singh which is full of emotions.
Talking about Ranveer he writes, “So…. There is no occasion… no marketing agenda … no launch coming up! Nothing! This is just a feeling I have that I feel like sharing with everyone! I have grown to love Ranveer Singh! The man! The person! The Ball of love that he is! His ability to make everyone he meets feel so special… the love that he exudes and that consumes his being and his entire aura… his passion to express every little gesture of love ….”

Later continued as,” Over the period of my film I observed him closely and at a distance as to what a solid guy he is! Yes, he has his idiosyncrasies as an artist but that’s what we see translate so beautifully on celluloid! So he’s allowed! On a personal level, I have been so touched on so many instances just by his generosity of spirit! I love you Ranveer! Never lose sight of that “good bacha” you were raised to be.”

Ranveer Singh

On the other hand, Ranveer got an open letter from the vice president of PETA India in which he requested some special occasions. He started with, “Greetings from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, the country’s best-known animal rights group, with more than 2 million members and supporters. We saw your head-turning Paper Magazine photo shoot – and we hope you’ll ditch the pants for us, too.”

Continued with, “To promote compassion for animals, will you consider appearing in a nude PETA India advertisement with the tagline ‘All Animals Have the Same Parts – Try Vegan’? I’ve attached a reference image featuring Pamela Anderson for your perusal”.
He further mentioned, “You’d be among excellent company. Some meat-free celebrities who have assisted PETA India and other PETA entities in promoting plant-based eating include Anushka Sharma, Joaquin Phoenix, Kartik Aaryan, and Natalie Portman.”

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