Karishma Tanna, who has traveled from TV to Bollywood, is no longer dependent on any identity. Karisma has proved in her career so far that she can adapt herself to any role. At the same time, Karisma keeps getting many offers in the industry as well. Although, she has been signing very few projects for the past few times, despite this, Karisma remains in the limelight.
Karishma is a social media lover
For some time Karisma is enjoying her married life completely by taking a break from her acting career. However, she is constantly connected with her fans through social media. Due to her bold looks and social media posts, she has been continuously in the news for some time now. In such a situation, the fans have started eagerly waiting for his new look. Now Karishma has again shown her bold look.
Karishma did a glamorous photoshoot
In the latest pictures, Karishma can be seen wearing black colored coat-pants. During this, she is flaunting her bralette look in front of the camera. To complete the look, Karisma has done minimal makeup and left her hair open. Here she is seen showing killer style.