Liger star Vijay Devarakonda has his say on #BoycottLSC

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Vijay Devarakonda is a south superstar and going to debut in Hindi cinema with his fourth coming movie Liger.
Recently during the interaction with media, the Liger star Vijay Devarakonda has his say on the boycott trend which is now for a while for the Bollywood movies. As he is promoting his debut film in Hindi cinema “Liger” also, interacts with the media and gives a glimpse of what goes behind the scene for the creation of any movie. He says, that whenever any movie gets flopped or gets hit to the worse for any reason. It does not affect the movie’s director, producer or actor. It all affects hundreds of families and means thousands of people any day.

So, the boycott trend at its peak is just not boycotting big movies like Shamshera, Lal Singh Chadda, Prithviraj Chauhan, or any specific actor such as Amir Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, etc. But also these big budget movies employ many people who are involved in the total making of the movie. He stated that hundreds of actors, crew members support staff all have equal contributions to the making of any movie.

Vijay Devarakonda

He says, “When you decide to boycott a film, you are not only affecting Aamir Khan, you are affecting thousands of families who lose work and livelihoods,”
Also continues, “Aamir Sir is someone who pulls the crowd to the theatres. I am not sure why this boycott call is happening. But for whatever misunderstanding, this is happening, please realize you are not affecting Aamir Khan alone but the economy. It is a much bigger picture.”
For the people, the #boycottLSC trended when a few netizens dig out the video of Amir Khan of 2015. In which he can be seen saying that his wife Kiran Rao is suggesting he move out from India. Due to increasing tension regarding one community.

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