For the last few days, it has been rumored that Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. This news is a sensation on the internet for the last few days. Regarding this Alia Bhatt’s Father and Director, Mahesh Bhatt has broken his silence on the rumors of their marriage.
Alia Bhatt with Ranbir Kapoor
Ranbir Kapoor’s aunt Rima Jain has broken up her silence on this rumor. She said,” Nothing that I know of as yet. They will get married but I don’t know when. They will decide and then suddenly you will all get to know.” She further said, “Hum log ne kuch prepare hi nahin kiya toh shaadi kaise itni jaldi hogi (We haven’t prepared anything yet, so how will the wedding happen so soon?). It will be shocking for me also if it’s true. The wedding will happen, but I don’t know when.”
Recently Mahesh Bhatt has also denied their relationship on the entertainment portal regarding their relationship. He said, “Rumours. They have been going on and on for a long time.” . Ranbir Kapor and Alia Bhatt met for the first time on the set of the film: Brahmastra”. After that, they are in a relationship for the past three years. Recently they have visited one of the famous temples with each other.
Ranbir Kapoor has addressed his father in front of the reporter during one of the interviews. He said, “I won’t give out dates during a media interaction. But Alia and I have all the intentions of getting married soon, so yes, hopefully soon.”
A later reporter has mentioned that After marriage Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor will move to the bungalow of Krishna. Which Neetu Kapoor has purchased in 1980.
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