Bollywood celebrities often fall prey to trolling and oops moments because of their fashionable outfits. Something similar happened with Priyanka Chopra as well. In this video, Priyanka and her husband Nick Jonas were talking to the fans during the live chat. In which they are sharing updates about their health. During this, as soon as the actress gets up to kiss her husband, her top slips due to looseness. And they fall victim to the Oops moment.
Although this is not the first time. Even before this, she had to face such a situation many times. Let me tell you, recently this couple has become the parents of a child through surrogacy.
Even before this, in order to become stylish, she once wore such a dress, due to which she had to be embarrassed. Actually, Priyanka Chopra was spotted at an event where she became a victim of Oops Moment due to her dress.
She reached this award show wearing a bodycon dress. Her dress was full cut on one side and part of the body was clearly visible from the net below. Let us tell you, Priyanka and Nick got married on December 1, 2018 at Umaid Palace in Jodhpur according to both Hindu and Christian customs. Let us tell you that after Priyanka Chopra had removed her husband’s surname from her Instagram profile last year, people started speculating that something was not going well between them and they could get divorced. However, along with the couple, her family also denied this.