The director and the lead actor of the Kantara movie Rishabh Shetty announce the movie’s Tulu version and requested not to make reels.
Kannad’s movie reaches a wider audience due to its content and the presentation of the culture in film. People from various parts of India enjoyed the movie. So looking for the demand for a movie in the Tulu language the film production house Hombale films decided to launch in Tulu also. Regarding this Rishabh Shetty announces, “Greetings to everyone. I am here to share a few things with you. This December 2nd Kantara is releasing in Tulu. This is my first movie released in Tulu Language. The entire team is happy that you all have made Kantara a huge success and we are grateful for that. Kantara in Tulu is getting released in both Karnataka and overseas with the maximum number of theatres. So, I request everyone to please come and watch Kantara in Tulu.”
Rishabh Shetty
In a video, he further continues, “When Kantara was released in Kannada, the movie showcased the culture and tradition of the coastal region of Karnataka, and there was a huge demand to dub this movie in Tulu. So, as you all wished, Kantara is getting released in Tulu. As I have observed on social media and other platforms that when the movie was released, I made a request and I am requesting again not to mimic and make reels about Daiva. These kinds of acts hurt our sentiments and also hurt the people who follow this culture and traditions.”
He also requested the viewers not to make reels and shorts of the Daiva culture in his words. “And there were few discussions regarding the beliefs. And when mistakes happen we often say, Daiva will look after it in every instance whether it is good or bad. Because we are not more powerful than Daiva and that is what I believe in. I am heartily thankful. We made this cinema without harming the rituals. And even our beliefs were the same, still the same, and will be the same always and forever. You have stood by us, and supported us. This will inspire us to do greater things. Again, I will dedicate this entire movie to Daivanarthakaru, Daivaradhakaru, Daivasevakaru, their community and families, and also our Karnataka Rathna Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar”
He captioned the announcement, “The Tulu version of Kantara, a legend that has become an unprecedented success thanks to God’s blessings and fans’ wishes, will release in theaters near you on December 02, 2022. We have made this movie so as not to harm the rituals and beliefs of Tulunada. Hombale Film Team is grateful for all your support”.
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