Actress Disha Patani has shared a very beautiful photo in a silver saree, seeing which the hearts of the fans are melting. Disha has shown such style in lehenga saree that even you will be intoxicated. see photos
Actress Disha Patani, who is in discussions due to her bold looks, is wreaking havoc these days with her desi looks. Disha has shared such pictures in a silver sari, seeing which the fans are sweating.
Wavy Balkhati Disha in saree is fiercely flaunting her figure. Open hair and fishcut style saree on it adds to the beauty of Disha. The actress tied the knot with downcast eyes.
Disha has done nude makeup on the saree. Disha has carried the lehenga style saree in a very glamorous style. Fans are commenting fiercely on these pictures of Disha. Fans are attracted to her figure and the avatar of the Indian woman.
Let us tell you that Disha Patani is counted among the most glamorous actresses of Bollywood. Disha is very fit and stylish. However, many times due to the dress, Disha has come under the trolls’ target.