Shama Sikander becomes bold at the age of 41, raises the internet’s mercury

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Actress Shama Sikander has carried her acting skills from TV to Bollywood. In such a situation, today she is no longer in need of any introduction. Although the actress has been seen in very few projects for some time, there has been no shortage in her limelight. Shama has been making headlines for a long time due to her bold looks.

The actress is a social media lover

On the other hand, Shama has become very active on social media in the last few days. She also increases the heartbeat of the fans by sharing a glimpse of her looks. Now seeing the new avatar of Shama in the latest photos, the fans are not able to take their eyes off them.

Shama Sikander’s bold look

In the photo shared on Instagram, Shama can be seen wearing a yellow color front cut dress.

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