‘The monkey had taken Ranveer’s clothes’, know from Rakhi sawant why the actor had to take pictures without clothes

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You already know how Ranveer Singh made headlines recently by getting a nude photoshoot done. Ever since Ranveer got such a photoshoot done, mixed opinions are being seen about it on social media. Some are seen praising Ranveer’s muscular body, while some are asking the reason behind such a big star being nude. By the way, Rakhi Sawant has given the reason for Ranveer Singh being nude. Hearing this, you too will be forced to laugh holding your stomach.

Did the monkey take Ranveer’s clothes?

Rakhi Sawant was questioned by the paparazzi about the nude photo of Ranveer Singh, then Rakhi got angry and started saying that Ranveer has not taken any nude photo, but nude is people’s eyes. He’s my friend. It is so hot that Ranveer went to take bath by running AC that a monkey had taken his clothes. Now this video is covered on social media and this flirtation of Rakhi Sawant is being liked a lot.

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