This beautiful lady wants a husband with belly, but will have to accept this condition


24-year-old Madina Mamdalieva is a resident of Almaty, Kazakhstan. They say that even if the husband is with a belly, she should also be caring. However, it is not in everyone’s capacity to fulfill the condition of Madina.

A girl has millions of fans on social media, but she does not want a man with a dashing look but a husband with a belly like a bear. You must be shocked to read this, but this is the truth. Yes, it is a different matter that fulfilling the condition set by this social media influencer regarding marriage is not in everyone’s capability. Let us know what is the condition, for which this beautiful belly is ready to choose a partner.

Madina Mamadalieva, a resident of Almaty, Kazakhstan, is not interested in men’s figures. She needs a husband who can afford her lavish lifestyle. For them to spend money on designer clothes, fancy vacations and expensive meals.

24-year-old Madina expects her partner to earn 40 thousand pounds (i.e. Rs 41,42,993.50) every month. They say that even if the husband is with a belly, she should also be caring.

She has also made it clear that she would not like to live with someone who is earning illegally. All they need is a peaceful sleep and a lavish lifestyle. Madina also has a condition that her partner should not be on Instagram. While she himself is on Insta and 20 lakh people follow him.

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