The very hot look of internet sensation Urfi Javed is going viral on social media. In a dash of boldness, Urfi Javed Video has taken off all her clothes and has wrapped a bra with shells and a transparent cloth underneath. After seeing everything from the transparent clothes, Urfi Javed has also said one thing in her impeccable style.
urfi javed video viral
Urfi Javed (Urfi Javed Viral Video) is often in the headlines for her unusual fashion sense. This time Urfi has wrapped a bra and a transparent cloth with her fashion sense. The special thing about this sulak of Urfi Javed was that her bra was not made from normal but from animal shell.
Urfi Javed Photos had prepared the animal shell bra by herself. In the video, along with the bra, Urfi was also wrapped in a transparent cloth, from under which her undergarments were visible. This bold look of Urfi Javed was also criticized a lot on social media, to which Urfi replied, ‘Everyone stop stupidity! I am obviously wearing skin colored under garments, people like you have a lot of common sense. Use your common sense and eyes.