Social media sensation Urfi Javed has once again created panic on the internet with her bold video. Seeing the viral video of Urfi Javed Video in winter, netizens have started feeling the heat. Urfi Javed New Look is seen flaunting her backless look in the bold video. Urfi Javed Instagram, who is seen crossing the limits of boldness, has proved that there is no one in her competition.
urfi javed video viral
Actually, an old video of Urfi Javed (Urfi Javed Video Viral) is becoming very viral on social media. In the viral video, Urfi is seen walking in a park. The actress wore a backless blouse with strings to make her look fabulous in the summer. This old video of Urfi Javed Backless Saree has made us feel the summer of June in the harsh winter of December.