Last year i.e. in 2022, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt took seven rounds in their own house in April 2022, in June the couple announced pregnancy and then in November 2022 at this couple’s house. His daughter Raha Kapoor was welcomed into his family. Ranbir and Alia are very private about their daughter Raha and have even told the media that they do not want to make Raha’s photo public until she turns two years old. Fans are yearning for a glimpse of Raha Kapoor. Meanwhile, we are going to show you the photo which was shared by Alia herself on social media. Alia herself showed fans a glimpse of ‘Raaha’ on Instagram, seeing which the fans called the photo the cutest! You also see…
Alia Bhatt shares glimpse of ‘Raha’ on Instagram
Alia Bhatt’s daughter is now three months old and the actress has been very active on social media. The daughter-in-law of Kapoor family has also shared many moments about her pregnancy journey. Let us tell you that one day Alia shared a photo on Instagram story, in which fans saw ‘Raaha’ and they got very excited after seeing it.
Fans found the photo very cute!
If you are thinking that this photo is really of Raha Kapoor, then let us tell you that it is not of Raha but of her bedding set which is customized and that is the reason Raha’s name is written on it. Aaliya took a photo of this bedding and posted it on Instagram and also thanked the person who sent it. Seeing the cute pink colored bedding, fans still talk about her cuteness and are hoping that Alia will show her daughter’s face soon, or at least give a glimpse of her.