Ananya Panday set the internet on fire by sharing her photo in bikini, the fans said – the viewers call you Taj Mahal


Ananya Pandey has shared pictures of her latest photoshoot on Instagram. She has shared a total of 7 photos. In this, she can be seen posing in different styles. Three of these pictures are mirror selfies, which she has clicked in his bathroom. In this, she can also be seen showing off her slim and toned figure.

Ananya Pandey wearing a bikini in a mirror selfie

Ananya Pandey is wearing an orange colored bikini and shirt in the first mirror selfie, whose buttons are open. She is looking very beautiful in this. She is also wearing jewelry. She is looking at the camera and taking a selfie. In the second picture, Ananya Pandey is clicking the photo with the camera and her photo has been clicked. In the third picture, she is sitting on the bed and looking at the camera. In the fourth picture, she is posing by making a crying face. In the fifth picture, Ananya Pandey is wearing a blue color dress and she is standing near the door and posing back. In the sixth picture, her face is lowered and she is looking at the camera.

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