Actress Anjali Arora, who worked in the show ‘Lock Up’, is very popular on social media and her fan following on Instagram is tremendous. Please tell that Anjali Arord was also in the music video of the viral song ‘Kachha Badam’. Apart from all this, Anjali is also remembered for one wrong thing. In fact, some time ago, Anjali Arora’s name was associated with an MMS leak, due to which she was also infamous. Despite this, the actress keeps posting photos and videos on Instagram in a lot of clothes. Anjali has recently posted a very bold video, seeing which people are saying- ‘Anjali has not budged even after the MMS leak..’
Anjali Arora made such a bold video wearing just a coat
For your information, let us tell you that Anjali Arora has posted a bold video on Instagram. Anjali is not wearing much clothes in this video; She has tried to cover her body with only one coat. Anjali’s style and actions in this bold video are astonishing. In front of the camera, Haseena has got someone else to close the button of this coat and remind that she is not wearing anything under it.