Bollywood actress Riya Sen often remains the subject of discussions on social media for her bold acts. Netizens go crazy after seeing the bold pictures of Riya Sen Photos. In such a situation, it is not surprising that old photos of Riya Sen Pics go viral. Recently some old photos of Riya Sen are going viral, in these photos the actress is seen wearing a mesh bralette top and extremely short shorts.
Riya Sen’s bold photos went viral
Some pictures of actress Riya Sen Instagram Photos are becoming very viral on the internet. Riya Sen’s style in these photos is so killer that the viewers are sweating forgetting the winter of December. Riya Sen New Look has carried bold white netted top and shorts in these photos. Along with this, the actress has completed her sexy look with subtle makeup and pink lipstick. Riya Sen has curled her hair and left it open in the pictures.