Bear Gryll’s next adventure with Priyanka Chopra

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Bear Gryll was open about his next adventure. In that, he said that it was possible to collaborate with Priyanka Chopra.

Talking the Bear Grylls he is famous for his adventures in the dense forest and also teaches people how to survive in extreme conditions. He recently collaborated with Ranveer Singh. In which we can witness lots of eye-catching moments.
In the same interview, he also shared his experience with Nick Jonas and said that He is a very interesting man to roam with. He admires his energy level so he is expecting something from his spouse Priyanka he said in his words, “Priyanka Chopra would be incredible – I took her husband away once on a journey and he was a great guy. People would love to hear her story.”

Bear Gryll

After this, he also shared about his recent voyage with Ranveer. And also praised the actor for his qualities and the terms on which he is living his life on he said, “Life is all about finding our true purpose and living with eyes and heart wide open with courage and gratitude — those qualities shone brightly from Ranveer. In return, all I seek to give him is an encouragement to keep living as he is”.
He also praised India and the actors/actress of India and peened a note, “The warmth of love and welcome I always feel from Indian superstars – they are always so kind and embracing to me – I feel like an honorary Indian and that is the greatest blessing I can ever ask for. India is always so close to my heart.”
He also continued by saying, “The biggest learning experience while working with them has been that together we can all do so much more — when we stand shoulder to shoulder in the wild we can overcome any obstacle.”

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