Divya Agarwal, who has appeared in TV shows like ‘Ace of Space’ and ‘Bigg Boss OTT’, is once again in the limelight. The actress is once again creating buzz about her new relationship. Recently, she has announced her engagement. On the occasion of her 30th birthday, she appeared with her boyfriend Apoorva Padgaonkar. Divya had a breakup with Varun Sood only 9 months back.
Divya shared photos
Divya Aggarwal shared some beautiful photos on her Instagram account on 5 December 2022. She has sealed her relationship with Apoorva Padgaonkar. Apoorva Sene proposed the actress in a grand way on her birthday. Divya is engaged to Apoorva. In the pictures that surfaced, Divya Aggarwal is seen flaunting the ring and giving many romantic poses with Apoorva.
Caption grabs attention
In the photos, Divya is looking very beautiful in a purple dress. At the same time, Apoorva is also looking handsome in a black outfit. Sharing the pictures, Divya wrote in the caption- ‘Will I ever stop smiling?