Bollywood’s superhot and boldest actress Esha Gupta emits such power of beauty that it becomes difficult to control the heart of the fans. Apart from films and web series, Isha keeps sharing more than one hot photo and video with fans on social media. A few days ago, Isha had shot such a bold video in front of the mirror by lighting the torch of the phone that this video went viral within minutes. In this video, Esha Gupta was not only seen wearing a revealing dress but was also seen doing such acts that the fans were shocked.
Wearing revealing gown
In this video, Esha Gupta is wearing a purple gown. The actress has worn this gown braless, as well as the neck of this dress is so deep that everything is being captured by the camera. Not only this, but this gown of the actress also has a high thigh slit which is making Isha look even hotter.
Such acts of lighting the torch of the phone
In the video, Esha Gupta was not only seen wearing a revealing dress but lighting the torch of the phone, she was seen performing such acts in front of the mirror that the fans were becoming uncontrollable. In the video, Esha was not only seen flaunting her body but also Sometimes came very close in front of the camera and sometimes went away from the camera and making the fans restless. Apart from this video, Isha has also got a bold photoshoot done wearing this dress. In this photoshoot, Isha was not only seen flaunting a perfect figure but also created such magic of style that there was a ruckus on social media. Talking about the work front, Isha Gupta was last seen in the web series ‘Ashram 3’. In this web series, Isha had given such scenes with Baba Nirala that the screenshots became very popular.