The latest pictures of actress Janhvi Kapoor, who grabbed the attention of people due to her dressing sense more than acting, are going viral. In these pictures, Jhanvi Kapoor was spotted in very tight clothes while leaving the car. The fans were surprised to see this.
wearing excessively tight clothes
In these pictures, Janhvi Kapoor is wearing a black jacket and is wearing pink-colored tights. These tights are so tight that the figure of the actress is clearly visible. To complete her look, Jhanvi is also wearing black-colored shoes. Along with this, a black-colored mask has also been applied.
Glamor flared outside the gym
Looking at the outfit of the actress, it seems that these pictures are from outside the gym. In which the actress was seen wearing so many tight clothes.
bedroom pictures went viral
Earlier, pictures of Jhanvi Kapoor went viral. In these pictures, Janhvi Kapoor was seen wearing a white bralette. Wearing which she was seen lying on the bed and giving killer pose. These pictures of the actress looked even more beautiful because the back background and the sheets on the bed are all white in color.
Caption drawing attention
These pictures were shared by Janhvi Kapoor on her official Instagram account. While sharing the pictures, the actress wrote in the caption- ‘I will call you tomorrow.’
Will be seen in ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’
The first look of Jhanvi Kapoor’s much-awaited film ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ was released recently. While sharing the picture, the actress wrote in the caption- ‘Cricket camp..Mr and Mrs Mahi.’ In this picture Jhanvi Kapoor was seen playing cricket. Jhanvi’s opposite Rajkumar Rao is in the lead role in this film.