Kareena Kapoor wore 130 dresses in a 2-hour film, many top designers of Bollywood did the workmanship

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Bebo has always been known for her style and fashion. Kareena Kapoor Khan’s fashion statement is always on point. The actress does not compromise with her looks. An example of this is her film in which she wore 130 dresses. In the 2-hour film, Kareena Kapoor Khan wore 130 dresses of big designers. The title of this film was Heroine. In this film, the behind-the-scenes life of those celebrities is hidden in the glare of the film world, who are seen laughing in front of the camera, but in reality, their life is going through a lot of loneliness.

Made on the glamor of the glamor world, this film shows the truth behind the film screen somewhere. Every single song of this film became very popular. Along with the songs, Kareena Kapoor’s style and her outfits were also very much discussed. This film was released in the year 2012. These top-dress of hers were designed by many top designers of Bollywood, and also presented a sample of her workmanship.

Millions of hearts were blown away by the beauty of Kareena in the film. Arjun Rampal appeared in the lead role opposite Kareena Kapoor Khan in this film. Kareena Kapoor’s character in the film was named Mahi. In this industry, Kareena Kapoor Khan has set a long film career of more than 20 years. She has given more than one hit film. Kareena Kapoor Khan has spent a lot of money from the makers to play the character of Mahi. This money has also been spent a lot on their dresses. The film may have been a flop at the box office, but the record of Kareena’s discussion and her dresses still remains in the glam world.

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