Now a report has come out in which it has been told that Ashneer Grover and his wife Madhuri Jain Grover were living a very luxurious life. Ashneer and Madhuri’s life is quite luxurious. He had rented a new penthouse. Also got another luxury property renovated.
Ashneer Grover, the judge of Shark Tank India and the ex co-founder of Bharat Pay, has been in the news for a long time. Ashneer Grover had come into controversies regarding Bharat Pay. After this, Ashneer left the company after a heated argument with the board members of Bharat Pay. At the same time, a report has come out in which it has been told that Ashneer Grover and his wife Madhuri Jain Grover were living a very luxurious life.
Ashneer’s wife had threatened
According to Bloomberg’s report, people of his company have told a lot about Ashneer Grover. For this report, Bloomberg interviewed many old and current employees of Bharat Pay. Along with this, he also talked to people close to the company. It has been told that Madhuri had threatened a person of the company with deducting salary for taking out the printout. Apart from this, he also criticized people for drinking too much coffee in the office.
Ashneer bought a dining table worth crores
Bharat Pay co-founder Shashwat Nakarni and chief executive Suhail Sameer spoke to Ashneer Grover about this. Also, he was asked to hire another person for this position. But Ashneer rejected all the candidates. This role is still vacant.
Talking about personal life, Ashneer and Madhuri’s life is quite luxurious. He had rented a new penthouse. Also got another luxury property renovated. Apart from this, he also bought a Porsche car. According to employees of Bharat Pay, Ashneer has told many people that he had bought the dining room table by spending 130,000 dollars, or about 9.93 crore rupees.
Another employee told that it was forbidden to wear a mask in the office. Ashneer scolded him for making the coronavirus an issue. He was also fired from his job as well. Ashneer and his wife Madhuri were removed from all positions in the company. Madhuri was the head of controls in this company.