Omicron: Do not take these symptoms lightly in skin lips and nails

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The symptoms of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus may be milder than the other variants, but we have to be alert only then we can stop the spread of this virus. Well, there are different symptoms of this virus. But you should not be careless in any way.

The symptoms of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus may be milder than the other variants, but we have to be alert only then we can stop the spread of this virus. Well, there are different symptoms of this virus. But you should not be careless in any way. If blue color appears in your skin, lips, nails, then you need immediate treatment. According to the health experts of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) based in America, if the color of your skin, lips, and nails looks blue-yellow and gray, then you should not be careless. The CDS warned that the appearance of blue color indicates that your oxygen level is decreasing.

Testing will have to be done immediately, oxygen level falls

The American health expert said that if you see such symptoms then you need to be alert. Such people should immediately go to the doctor and get tested. However, even before this, many symptoms of Omicron have come to the fore. Such as lower back pain, hoarse voice, night sweats, muscle pain, and runny nose. Meanwhile, the three major symptoms of Omicron include high temperature, persistent cough, and changes in taste and smell.

The emphasis being given on vaccination

Along with this, it is being emphasized time and again that you should take the corona vaccine because vaccination is very important to avoid it. Along with this, the booster vaccine is also being told as an important way to avoid it. If you ever feel unwell and see such symptoms, then you should get tested immediately. Let us tell you that the cases of Omicron are increasing continuously in the country and abroad, but it is a matter of relief that such patients are getting cured at home. They do not have to be admitted to hospitals like Delta variant patients. That is, this virus is weaker than Delta.

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