Sakshi Chopra, the great-granddaughter of Ramanand Sagar, who produced a famous TV show like ‘Ramayana’, dominates social media due to boldness. She often keeps sharing her hot photos, seeing which the heartbeat of the fans increases. Sakshi Chopra has now posted a photo of herself which is creating panic on the internet. She is looking bold in the picture.
Eyes will be torn after seeing the hotness
In the photo, Sakshi Chopra is seen wearing a bikini. She is giving hot poses while sitting on the bed. Sakshi Chopra’s very bold style is being seen in the photo. This photo has been shared by Sakshi on her Instagram account, which is becoming fiercely viral. Fans are not tired of praising him in the comment section. People are giving her compliments like a hottie, gorgeous.
Popularity is not less than any actress
Sakshi Chopra is very active on social media. Her bikini pictures to sizzling photoshoots also go viral. Talking about popularity, he is followed by more than 5 lakh followers. His Instagram account is full of bold photos and videos.
Know who is Sakshi Chopra
Significantly, Sakshi Chopra is the daughter of TV producer Meenakshi Sagar, who is Ramanand Sagar’s granddaughter. Apart from being a model, Sakshi is also a singer and songwriter. Sakshi studied at Trinity School of London and then did a filmmaking course at The Lee Strasberg Theater & Film Institute in California.
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