Samantha Ruth Prabhu, renowned as a female superstar in South Indian cinema, has consistently remained in the limelight due to her exceptional performances in various films and roles. Currently, she is captivating the hearts of audiences once again with her portrayal in the film ‘Kushi,’ alongside Vijay Devarakonda. However, breaking news suggests that Samantha is now set to embark on a new journey in her career – the world of politics.
Samantha’s Support for Telangana Farmers
According to recent media reports, Samantha has always been a strong supporter of the farmers in the Telangana region. She even serves as the brand ambassador for the state’s handloom fabrics. It is said that she has also actively engaged in several initiatives undertaken by the Telangana government.
Samantha’s Temporary Break from Acting
On the other hand, speculations about Samantha entering politics are also fueled by her recent announcement of taking a temporary break from acting. However, this decision came after she revealed her diagnosis with an autoimmune disorder. Her intention was to prioritize her health and well-being.
No Official Confirmation Yet
As per the reports, Samantha is purportedly considering an affiliation with a political party known as the Bharat Rashtriya Samiti (BRS). However, neither Samantha nor the BRS party has issued any official statements regarding these speculations. Therefore, the authenticity of these reports remains unconfirmed.
It remains to be seen whether Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a beloved actress of the South Indian film industry, will indeed take a plunge into the world of politics. As of now, the public awaits official confirmation and further details regarding her potential political career.