In the realm of Star Plus’s popular serial “Anupama,” viewers are currently witnessing a series of intriguing plot twists. The latest storyline revolves around the character of Pakhi, and the web of conspiracies seems far from untangling. Pakhi finds herself deeply entangled in her husband’s affection, to the extent that she can’t see beyond it. In a recent episode, Pakhi sets out for Shah House to celebrate Raksha Bandhan but mysteriously never arrives. This prompts Anupama to take legal action against Vanraj for the ongoing matter.
Anupama’s Distress
Both Anupama and Anuj are in distress as they desperately search for Pakhi. Anuj inquires with the police about Pakhi, and to their astonishment, the police describe an accident involving a girl that matches their daughter’s description. On the other hand, Vanraj is equally troubled concerning Pakhi’s whereabouts.
Is the Accident Victim Pakhi?
Anupama rushes to Shah House and embraces Ba while shedding tears. Simultaneously, Vanraj is shattered by the news. However, it remains uncertain whether the girl involved in the accident is indeed Pakhi or someone else.
Anticipating the Upcoming Twist
The future episodes of Anupama hold a veil of suspense around Pakhi’s twist. Nothing can be stated unequivocally about how this plotline will unfold. Expect to witness intense drama in the upcoming episodes as Pakhi might uncover the truth about Anuj. Meanwhile, Romil may step in to protect Pakhi. Brace yourselves for more drama and revelations in the episodes to come.