The beauty of actress Shama Sikander (Shama Sikander), who has spread her wings in many web series and TV serials, is everywhere. Every day, the actress shares such photos on social media that they become viral on sight. Whereas, recently, Shama got such a photoshoot done by standing in the balcony wearing a revealing dress that the fans went berserk after seeing the pictures. Whoever saw these photos of Shama on social media found it difficult to control himself. In these pictures, Shama not only flaunted her deep neck but also got many killer photos clicked while waving the dress in the air. See the latest photoshoot of the actress which is increasing the heartbeat of the fans.
In these pictures, Shama Sikander is wearing a yellow off-shoulder gown. Shama has worn this gown braless which is making her look even hotter.