Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel has been becoming a part of films for quite some time now. However, despite this, she continues to be in lime light. A special reason for this is the bold avatar of the actress. She has always blown people’s senses with her bold looks and photoshoots. At the same time, the actress is becoming more bold with time. Its glimpse is clearly visible on her Instagram page.
Ameesha Patel is often in the news.
Amisha has become very active on social media. From her professional life to her everyday look, the actress keeps updating her fans with her every move. In such a situation, the list of fans of Ameesha is also increasing continuously, who are desperate to have a glimpse of her. Now again Ameesha’s hot look has surprised.
Ameesha Patel showed charming acts
In the picture shared on Instagram, Ameesha can be seen in a deep neck revealing bralette. With this, she has carried a blue shrug.