Veteran singer of Indian cinema Bappi Lahiri has passed away. At the age of 69, this personality (Bappi Lahiri Died) said goodbye to this world forever. People could not even emerge from the grief of Lata Mangeshkar’s departure that Bappi Lahiri also took it rudely. The whole country is in shock due to the death of Bappi Da. This news has dealt a deep blow to Bollywood. Everyone is remembering this Veteran Singer with moist eyes. Now after the information of his death, an official statement has been issued by the Lahiri family. In this statement, things have been kept about his funeral.
In a statement issued by the family, it has been told that the last rites of Bappi Lahiri will be held tomorrow i.e. on February 17 (Bappi Lahiri funeral tomorrow). Instead of today, the funeral is being held tomorrow because his son Bappa Lahiri has to reach America. It is written in the statement that ‘This is a very sad moment for us. Our beloved Bappi Da has left for heaven at midnight. Bappi Lahiri will be cremated after Bappa’s arrival from Los Angeles by tomorrow afternoon. We are seeking love and blessings for his soul. we will keep you updated. Mrs. Lahiri, Mr. Gobind Bansal, Bappa Lahiri, Rema Lahiri.’
Celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani has also shared this statement. Please tell that his last rites will be performed at Pawan Hans crematorium. Many Bollywood celebs remembered and paid tribute to Bappi Da through social media.