Maheep Kapoor, the wife of veteran Bollywood actor Sanjay Kapoor and mother of Shanaya Kapoor, is also second to none in terms of style. Although Maheep prefers to stay away from the acting world, with her glamorous style, she can give competition to any actress. Maheep’s new looks often go viral.
Maheep Kapoor’s new look caught the attention
Maheep remains very active on social media and her sizzling acts are seen on Instagram. Now again her new photoshoot is becoming quite viral. Here she is seen in a stylish bossy look. In the latest photos, Maheep is seen wearing black trousers pants and a blazer. With this, she has carried a black deep-neck bralette top.
Maheep Kapoor is looking very stylish
Here Maheep has complemented her look with nude makeup and an open hairstyle. With this, he is wearing black and white sports shoes.