Actress Shruti Haasan , while giving information on Sunday, said that she has tested positive for Kovid. Shruti Haasan posted on Instagram that Hello everyone, this is not a funny update. Despite all the safety measures, I have tested positive for COVID. She said, “I am fine and can’t wait to be back very soon. Thank you and see you soon.” Recently, the actress made her OTT debut with the web series ‘Bestseller’ released on Prime Video.
The actress had admitted in an interview to IANS earlier this year that the biggest challenge while working on the series was working during the Covid period. She had said, “For me, honestly, it was working during Covid. We were shooting for it in 2021.
Let us tell you that Shruti started her singing career only at the age of six. She sang her Afla in her father’s film Tevar Magan. Shruti’s first Bollywood debut was the film Luck opposite Imran Khan.