“Yaariyan 2,” starring Divya Khosla Kumar, Pearl V Puri, and Mizaan Jaffrey, has been making headlines. It is a sequel to the 2012 film “Yaariyan” and portrays the entertaining dynamics between siblings. Recently, the film faced controversy even before its release. The reason behind this is the allegation of hurting religious sentiments.
The Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) has accused the makers of “Yaariyan 2” of using the Sikh religious symbol, Kirpan, inappropriately in the song “Saure Ghar,” which was released shortly before the film’s controversy erupted. SGPC expressed their anger on Twitter regarding “Yaariyan 2.” According to the latest reports, SGPC has filed a formal complaint against the makers of the film with the police.
In their statement, SGPC said, “In the song ‘Saure Ghar’ directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru for the film ‘Yaariyan 2,’ we strongly object to the visuals portrayed. They have depicted actor Sikhs wearing ‘Kirpans’ in an offensive manner, which is unacceptable.”
Apart from this, the Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee has also demanded a ban on the film. They stated, “This has seriously hurt the religious sentiments of the Sikh community worldwide. According to the Sikh Rehat Maryada (code of conduct) and the rights provided by the Indian Constitution, only an initiated Sikh is authorized to wear the ‘Kirpan.’ The video of this song is available on the official YouTube channel of the T-Series, which needs to be removed immediately. If the video is not removed from public view, we will initiate legal action as per the law to protect the religious sentiments of the Sikh minority community.” The committee also tagged Anurag Thakur in their tweet.