In Salman Khan’s popular show Bigg Boss 16, something new is being seen. As the show is approaching the finale, the competition among the contestants is increasing in the house. These days more enmity is being seen in the house than friendship. The latest promo video of Bigg Boss 16 has surfaced. In this video, a fight is seen between Priyanka Chahar Chowdhary and Archana Gautam. Archana had supported Priyanka after going out of the house, whereas now both are fighting in the house.
Archana showed her true colors
Archana aur Priyanka mein hui fight. Are best friends turning to foes? 🤯
Dekhiye #BiggBoss16 Mon-Fri raat 10 baje aur Sat-Sun raat 9.30 baje, sirf #Colors par.
Anytime on @justvoot#BB16 #BiggBoss@beingsalmankhan#ArchanaGautam #PriyankaChaharChoudhary #AnkitGupta— ColorsTV (@ColorsTV) November 15, 2022
In the latest promo of Bigg Boss 16, Archana Gautam is seen showing her true colors. Archana and Priyanka are seen fighting because of kitchen work. Archana also puts her hand on while arguing with Priyanka. After which Priyanka asks them to stay away. To stop the fight between the two, Soundarya Sharma comes in the middle and tries to explain. In the coming episodes, it has to be seen what storm will be seen in Bigg Boss 16 due to Priyanka and Archana’s fight.
Ankit gives Priyanka’s support In the midst of the fight between Archana and Priyanka, Ankit comes and takes the side of his friend. In today’s episode, it will be seen how far this fight goes after Ankit’s arrival in the battle of Archana and Priyanka.
Sajid Khan became the new captain
In the last episode of Bigg Boss 16, it was seen that there was a task among the family members to become the captain. During this, Shaleen Bhanot got a chance to become the captain but Sajid Khan has become the new captain of the house. Sajid Khan has been told a lot by the family members for drinking singret on the sofa inside the house. After which Big Boss has also warned Sajid Khan.