It has been a tough year for Bollywood due to coronavirus. Every actor is showing their support. Whether it’s about the banging plate or lighting candle. Not only so many of them came ahead with videos for awareness which they had shot in their home. But also they donated for relief funds.
Singer Kanika Kapoor affected by corona.
Kanika Kapoor has become the first Bollywood celebrity, whom coronavirus attacked. She was undergoing treatment at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS). She had travelled the UK to Mumbai. Further, she had attended Holi party in Lucknow. On the 20th of March her test had resulted as positive for COVID-19.
On the 21st of March, UP police served notice for negligence to Kanika Kapoor. She was tested positive 2nd time on the 24th of March and the third time on the 28th of March. The hospital released a statement asking Kanika to behave like a patient and not throw tantrums of a star. Finally, her coronavirus test had resulted in negative and she is fine now.
Note posted by Kanika Kapoor.
Senior actor of Bollywood, Kiran Kumar affected by corona.
Further, novel coronavirus affected a few more Bollywood celebs like Kiran Kumar 74 years old veteran actor. He had no idea about having any of the symptoms. He got to know after he went to the doctor for a minor medical procedure. And the doctor asked him for a few test as well as COVID 19. And the test was positive.
How corona affected box office.
Bollywood is facing a big loss due to coronavirus. Baghi 3 a big movie for Tiger Shroff, the movie had released and it had got a superb opening then coronavirus came and movie theatres had been shut. And if we talk about “Angrezi medium” this movie had great potential for a big hit but again corona had become trouble for this movie too.
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